• Question: Do you know how the solar system works?

    Asked by ruby reade to Duncan on 6 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Duncan McNicholl

      Duncan McNicholl answered on 6 Nov 2017:

      Good question. The answer is sort of.

      The solar system would be really simple to understand if you were outside it: it’s almost all just big balls of rock or gas winding round and round and round each other. The difficult part is that we’re not outside it, we’re on one of those balls of rock, and that means that we’re winding round and round just like all the others. Our ball of rock is also spinning around itself like a ballerina, which makes it even more complicated to tell what’s going on.

      Bonus fact: the word “planet” means “wanderer”, because the planets sort of wander all over the sky, whereas the stars just go over and over and over again the same way every time.
