• Question: How many different places have you been to to research

    Asked by 445urak29 to anuantony, Duncan, Jayne, Katherine, Sajid on 4 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Duncan McNicholl

      Duncan McNicholl answered on 4 Nov 2017:

      My answer to this one is boring, I’m afraid: I haven’t done that much research, and it’s almost all been in Edinburgh. I have done a little bit in Bath, but I reckon these other guys have been to much more interesting places than me.

    • Photo: Jayne Ede

      Jayne Ede answered on 6 Nov 2017:

      Lots of my colleagues have been to amazing places all over the globe to do research and also share their results at conferences, even places like the USA, Australia and Singapore.

      My experience so far hasn’t been as exotic! I get to go around the UK quite a lot (I like BRistol a lot, didn’t get the best vibe our of Huddersfield though) and last year I got to go to a military HQ in a tiny village in Germany. It was a great place to try out my GCSE german – what little of it I remembered!
