• Question: if you could cure something what would it be

    Asked by Holly to anuantony, Duncan, Jayne, Katherine, Sajid on 8 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Duncan McNicholl

      Duncan McNicholl answered on 8 Nov 2017:

      Just one thing? If it would remove all of the cases that currently exist in the world, I think I’d cure HIV. It’s not too bad living with HIV if you live somewhere like the UK or the rest of Europe, but it’s killing a lot of people in Africa. If I could come up with a cure but then we had to get it to everyone, curing HIV wouldn’t make as much sense because the problem with HIV in Africa is getting medicine to people, so in that case I think I’d cure cancer instead, because a lot of people get it and the medicines we have now don’t really cure it, and they have very nasty side effects too. Maybe I’d cure malaria, though, or ebola, or dementia or polio or measles or pneumonia or stroke or heart disease. Do I have to pick just one?

    • Photo: Sajid Javed

      Sajid Javed answered on 9 Nov 2017:

      I would like to cure blindness. the world is a beautiful place and the people who have lost their sight or have never been able to see are missing out. being able to give this would be pretty satisfying. also the cure may remove the need for people to wear glasses!.

    • Photo: Jayne Ede

      Jayne Ede answered on 9 Nov 2017:

      Depression/anxiety. So many people are unable to reach their full potential because of these difficult mental health issues.
