• Question: why did different animals in the same enviroment evolve differently although the conditions are the same

    Asked by 256urak29 to anuantony, Duncan, Jayne, Katherine, Sajid on 4 Nov 2017. This question was also asked by yks.shr, LILY AND CHANEL.
    • Photo: Duncan McNicholl

      Duncan McNicholl answered on 4 Nov 2017:

      Because of all the other animals. If there’s a big tree with leaves at different heights, some animals can stay close to the ground and some can learn to climb and some can grow huge necks like giraffes, and then everyone will get something to eat. The important thing about evolution is that the changes just happen randomly, and if they’re good changes you have lots of babies and if they’re bad changes you don’t have any. Each animal comes from a different random change, and they all fit together in the ecosystem.
