• Question: why do you think science is important and why to go into that in a education and do as a option in your GCSE. In my opinion i think that science is fun but i wouldnt go into it and study it.on the other hand my friend would like to be an entomologist and a marine byoligist i think that would be fun but i wouldt like to study that and spent all my time doing that. thank you.

    Asked by 442urak29 to Sajid, Katherine, Jayne, Duncan, anuantony on 3 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Jayne Ede

      Jayne Ede answered on 3 Nov 2017:

      You should study whatever you feel the most passionate about! I think GCSE science is a great option because you get to go into some fascinating topics in greater depth. I particularly liked learning about space and also the chemistry of colours.

      Something else I think is important about science is that it makes you good critical thinker – the world, the news and other people are full of misinformation about some scientific topics. It’s important to be able to look at peoples arguments and go ‘wait a minute, that doesn’t seem like it would work’. A good example of this is how people are becoming anti-vaccines, or disbelieving in climate change, despite the overwhelming scientific evidence that vaccines are perfectly safe and that climate change should be taken seriously!

    • Photo: Duncan McNicholl

      Duncan McNicholl answered on 6 Nov 2017:

      What you’re talking about is something called delayed gratification: there are some things that are good that you can only get by working hard for them. Your friend who would like to be an entomologist or marine biologist will probably not always have fun while they’re learning how to do it, but it might be worth it for them if they get to have fun in their job. Maybe you can find something where you’ll enjoy the training and the job, I don’t know. I do know that if you’re going to choose to study something it should be because you enjoy it now, or because you will enjoy something later because you’re studying it now. For me, I enjoyed doing science at school, and I still enjoy doing science now, so it was pretty easy.
