• Question: Why of all the different fields of science did you choose the one you work in?

    Asked by Katie to anuantony, Duncan, Jayne, Katherine, Sajid on 7 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Jayne Ede

      Jayne Ede answered on 7 Nov 2017:

      I was really lucky because I was accepted into a job working with the military, and I spent a long time as an air cadet (don’t hold that against me!) when I was younger. So my job now combines my enjoyment of science with my interest in the armed forces.

    • Photo: Duncan McNicholl

      Duncan McNicholl answered on 7 Nov 2017:

      First I decided against all of the fields of science that I don’t find interesting, then I looked at the ones that were left and tried to find some people who were working on something cool that might want to hire me. There were still quite a few different projects, so I picked one that would let me live in Edinburgh, because I love it here.

    • Photo: Sajid Javed

      Sajid Javed answered on 8 Nov 2017:

      i was interested in learning about the human body and how it works. when i went to university i was particularly interested in knowing how the body protected itself from infectious disease. This lead me to wanting to create diagnostic tests to detect infectious diseases.
